Thursday, September 3, 2009


Bobby pantomimed, “What're you listening to?”.

Not for the first time in all those years,

Roop seemed to be far away.

Roop paused the CD player with a smile

And replied,

As though revealing a secret, “The Beatles”.

“Never heard of 'em”, Bobby said;

Half out of contempt

“Oh, then you've got to hear this song. It'll change your life”.

Bobby put the earphones on,

As though it were a beauty crown.

And then everything happened.

Within the space of a pop song....

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I want to tell you___________Singer___________________I never say but I so want to

My head is filled with____George Harrison___________touch your hair, kiss your neck,

Things to say________Album- Revolver(1966)_______undo your two top collar buttons

When you're near_______THE BEATLES_____It's one pm and I'm imagining you naked

All those words___________Roop asked_______Something in the way you infuriate me

They seem to slip away____”Isn't it cool?”_____________________________I love that

When I get near you_______Bobby said___________________________And your gaze

My head begins to_____”What're you saying?________That burns my face occasionally

Drag me down_________I don't understand”____I've never met anybody as basic as you

It's all right_____________”It's all right”____________But do you also have a secret life

I'll tell you maybe______Roop used to think_________That you go back to every night?

Next time around________that 'Revolver'_________________________I'm embarrassed

Sometimes I wish_____was the Beatles' best_____Bobby, you probably didn't even know

I knew you well__________And I agree_______That I followed you home last Thursday

Then I could____________Track Length:______________________________I shot you

Speak my mind____________02m:27s__________With my concealed camera for a year

And tell you________________Bass:_________________I saved your white paper cups

Maybe you'd understand___Paul McCartney______________With smeared crimson rims

I want to tell you___________Guitar:______________I love it that you let me touch you

I feel hung up____________John Lennon______________Somehow that also scares me

And I don't know why_______Drums:____________________Wet dreams I don't reveal

I don't mind______________Ringo Starr_____In my deliberate brushes against your arm

I could wait forever_____Track succeeded by:_____________________I want to tell you

I've got time___________'She said, she said'______________________Maybe tomorrow


Then just like that,

Roop walked out of the room

And Bobby's right index finger

Approached the 'play' button

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