Thursday, September 3, 2009


So, as time braces the body and cleanses the soul,

One sits and reflects, over cups of tea,

(Clove tea with Threptin biscuits on Susan's porch)

That all is not lost

And yet, the heart still yearns

For those days, when rains brought unexpected holidays

When recklessness of the mind was the important thing

And you tell me

“Why do you always get so philosophical during sunsets and rains?”

And then it comes

In beautiful fragments of frightful dreams

Her face comes back

In swollen wounds and cries

And Reveries and yawns and sighs

“Whose face?”, you ask, “Winnie?”


But the one that I never told you about

The girl who didn't look beautiful until she smiled

Gold teeth and a tune for this town

Were all in her mouth

What whispers passed

Beneath spiraled fingers

And stockinged feet

Of all my disintegrating memories,

Hers is the most vivid

She comes to me with the clarity of a painter

In Elysian fields

Like an invisible madness

Even in my room

She wore her rose tinted, heart shaped sunglasses

Lest someone should recognize her

And the strains of “Sound of Silence”, still echoing in my ears

Room no. 1883

We almost eloped

Why didn't we?

We were seventeen.

Are you kidding me?

There are nights Susan, when I want to talk to her

I want to wake her up and tell her

That I grew up and became a writer

That I'm now six feet one inch tall

That my hair is no longer brown

That I have finally found a place I can call home

I hope, she has too

I'm here


Even today, there is a wind that blows from the north

From Mussourie of seven years ago

Her face in the pouring window

I remember that afternoon better than I remember whole years

I never saw her again in my life

That had been my first encounter with loss and pain

There's a pool here

As if the sea wasn't enough

And yet Susan,

One sits and reflects, over cups of tea, that

The world is very big

Our sorrows too small

And we have to think of this life

That this-

This is

An adventure

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